My experience with newborn photography
I photographed hundreds and hundreds of newborns. I am very experienced and invested thousands of pounds in workshops run by the leader photographers in the industry. The newborn photography industry is in no way regulated and it is very important to choose experienced photographer rather than choose the one based on low price! I use safe posing techniques and I use composite images when a pose requires. Many of my images are composites fix later in postprocessing. Newborn photography sessions should be all about the baby. Therefore my clients pride me for being very passionate and patient. Newborn photography is mostly about smoothing the baby and making them as comfortable as possible. Clients often call me baby whisperer as I make some special sounds and noises to keep your baby calm! It took me nearly 4 years to learn so many things about newborn photography, babies, and all editing techniques. But I am so happy that I earn living by doing something I am passionate about.